Wembley Park
Wembley Park
Contact: templarswembleypark@inspiresmat.co.uk
Meet The Teacher
My name is Mr Cullum and I am not only thrilled to be joining Templars Academy but also to be teaching Wembley Park. I make this switch, which is an exciting new venture for me, after spending 8 years in my previous school. After what sounds like a successful start to the year, I cannot wait to build on these foundations in the lead up to SATs. Even though we have SATs' to prepare for, we certainly have lots of other exciting aspects to look forward to and make our learning as enjoyable as possible. I am a huge believer of coming to school for two reasons: to learn and have fun!
One of my favourite subjects is Maths - without a doubt! I love all things sport related too. However saying that, I have found a love for many other subjects since becoming a teacher, such as: Science; Geography and Art!
Things to Remember
- PE Kits must be in school at all times. Our PE days are Monday and Fridays. Each Friday, I will send PE Kits home with your child to be washed.
- Water Bottles and Reading Diaries must be in school at all times.
- Homework is also issued each Friday. Homework will be made up of three activities: GPS; Reading; and Arithmetic. This must be returned by the following Friday for marking.
What are we learning this Half Term?
MAAFA - This project teaches children about Africa past and present, with a particular focus on Benin. It traces the development of the slave trade and explores Britain’s role in the transatlantic slave trade, the causes and consequences of the European colonisation of Africa and the worldwide communities that make up the African diaspora.
Long Term Plan & Medium Term Plan
Useful Websites: