This is our class page, my name is Mrs Knott and I am very excited to continue on our journey this year. We are now half of the way through our first year of school! How exciting! So many adventures and different opportunities to enjoy over the next few months.
3 facts about me:
I have two children and spend most of my time at dancing competitions over the weekends.
I enjoy long walks and sitting by the sea.
I have a tortoise called Ernie who is very funny and likes to keep us entertained, he is a great character. I hope one day he comes in to meet you.
Our LSA this year is Miss Goodwin.
Our school life this year:
PE- PE kits need to be in school on a Monday morning and go home on a Friday to be washed. Earrings must be removed prior to the children coming into school. We are not allowed to help them remove earrings or tape them and they will be unable to do PE.
Water bottles- Children should bring in their bottles every day to school and only the school bottle is permitted. Juice is not allowed.
Snack- Children will receive snack each day alongside milk if they're allowed, please speak to the office if you would like your child to have this.
Reading books- Each week the children will bring home reading books to read at home. Their first few books will start off with no words. Please do not be alarmed. Reading books and diaries should be in school each day to read with an adult at school and we encourage them to read their book/ and a choice of their own from home or school.
Uniform- At Templars we pride ourselves in our appearance. The expectations were set out to parents at the beginning of the meet and greet sessions and are available on our website. Please speak to us if you have any queries.
If you ever need to speak with me I am available to catch before or after school for brief discussions. If it is something lengthy and you need some privacy please feel free to arrange an appointment with me or a telephone call. Alternatively you can write me a note or put a note into their reading diaries.
You can also email me on:
I am looking forward to a wonderful year.
Mrs Knott