Welcome to Wanstead!
Wanstead station was built in the 1930s but was not opened owing to the outbreak of World War II. During the War it was used to make aircraft parts. 2000 people worked in the tunnels which had their own railway, canteen and rest areas.
Key information:
- PE is on a Monday and Tuesday, so please ensure kits are in on these days and that earing are removed.
- Please make sure children have their school water bottle, reading diary and reading book in school with them everyday
- Homework will be distributed on a Friday (Phonics/English and maths on alternating weeks) and returned to school every Thursday. It would be great if everyone could have a go!
Class email:
Class teacher: Mrs De Bruyn
Class LSA: Mrs Taylor
Hello, I’m Mrs De Bruyn and I am so excited to be Wanstead’s class teacher this year. I cannot wait to start the learning journey with everybody. I have a passion for English and love books of any sort.
My favourite thing to do is spend time with my family and travel. I have been very fortunate to live and work in different countries and love learning about different cultures and customs.
I am looking forward to unlocking all of the children’s passions and helping them to reach their best potential.
Throughout our English work this year we will be continuing to build on their phonic knowledge and application. Reading is still a priority area this year and we will be ensuring that this aspect of their English is developed. Writing will continue to build on from Year 1 and we will be reinforcing the accurate use of capital letters and full stops in sentences. This term we will introduce the children to question marks, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. All of these skills will be applied in a range of writing pieces.
In math’s this half term we will be exploring place value which focuses on children’s ability to read and understand numbers to 100. They will use their growing understanding of place value to help them sort, compare and order numbers. The children will revise their understanding of different representations of numbers and also meet other representations for the first time.
This project teaches children about the basic needs of humans for survival, including the importance of exercise, nutrition and good hygiene. They learn how human offspring grow and change over time into adulthood.
Connected curriculum
In the wider curriculum we are focusing on 'Movers and Shakers' in history where will learn about different significant people who have shaped our lives. We will also be learning how to use a map and compass in geography. In DT, we will be experimenting with basic sewing techniques and begin to look at some simple recipes for baking. In Art, the children will be exploring basic colour theory by studying the colour wheel and colour mixing. It includes an exploration of primary and secondary colours and how artists use colour in their artwork.