Summer Term 1 - School Days
Welcome to Richmond!
Class Teacher - Miss Marshall
School Councillor - Kayleigh C
Eco Councillor - Agaran D
Change Champion - Roscoe C
Richmond is a team, a community made up of wonderful, individual, and unique personalities who embrace challenges head-on. We always look for ways to practice and apply our skills and we take on feedback every day to ensure we are always improving.
Our lessons:
English and Phonics:
In phonics, most of the children are now consolidating Phase 5 sounds and alternative graphemes. Year Ones need to be able to blend and segment using their sounds and we are slowly building strategies for them to pass their phonics screening check. We also work with Pearson's Bug Club Phonics to make sure the books they are reading are in line with the sounds they are learning.
This term, in English, children are beginning to choose taught vocabulary and grammar features that are fit for purpose. They are developing stamina for quality writing at this point of the academic year and have written pieces of work inspired by traditional tales, favourite films and stories about toys so far!
Number and Place Value is the first topic of focus in Maths in Year One and as we follow the Power Maths work scheme, the children will learn strategies through characters to help them to count, add, subtract and order. We are currently working on Number and Place Value within 20.
Science and our Cornerstones Curriculum:
This year, Richmond will be learning all about the world around them. They are currently learning about animals and their classifications. In our Connected Curriculum, we are learning about the world, including its continents and oceans.
Year 1
Spring Term Catch-up
Welcome back to the Spring Term Year 1. We can’t wait to explore our new theme for this term which is – Our Wonderful World… Paws, Claws and Whiskers. It promises to be a fun-filled term of learning and excitement.
Parents, thank you for all your support and cooperation during the past term. As we move into our second term, we will be tightening our enforcement of school rules with regard to the use and provision of school equipment. This includes PE kits, school water-bottles, reading books and reading records. Please read the details below carefully so that you are aware of our school’s expectations.
Year 1s Housekeeping:
PE – PE kits must be brought to school on Monday so that they are ready for the week ahead. PE sessions will continue to be held be every Thursday and Friday. The kit will be kept at school and sent home at the end of each half term or your request (but please ensure that they are returned to school on time for these sessions). Earrings must be removed prior to the children coming into school. We are not allowed to help them remove earrings and they will be unable to do PE. Please ensure all uniforms are labelled with the child’s name, as alternative uniforms cannot be provided should theirs go missing.
Water bottles – Children must use the school bottles; only the school bottle is permitted. They are available via parent mail or directly from the school office. These BPA-free bottles cost £1.50 and 40p for an additional lid. These must be brought to school every day. Please make sure that these are well labelled with permanent markers or waterproof labels. Hydration is important so please ensure that these bottles are filled with water and not juice.
Reading books - Reading books and diaries should be in school every day. Each week the children will bring home books to read at home. These will match their reading levels. Although your child may need support calling some words or reading with good expression or at a good pace, they should be able to read it fluently and independently The children will have a set reading day at school. On this day, their books and reading records will be checked. Books should be read 3 times. Please record evidence of this in their reading diaries.
Homework - On Friday, we will set a piece of homework which should be returned by the following Friday.
Uniforms - At Templars, we pride ourselves in our appearance and in, being smart, starts with looking smart. Children are required to wear full uniforms to school at all times. Please inform me or the school office if for any reason, it is not possible to do this and we will take this into consideration.
If you ever need to chat with anyone in our Year 1 team, we always see the children out at the end of the day, so I am available to speak then. Should you require an appointment, don’t hesitate to contact us on our school email addresses:
Alternatively, please call the office. We will return your call at the earliest possible time.
Year 1 Team
Mrs. Chambers
Miss Marshall
Class Teacher - Miss Marshall
Hi everyone! My name is Miss Marshall and this is my second year being a Year 1 teacher at Templars Academy. I named the class after one of my favourite TV series, Ted Lasso, which is set in Richmond! It is all about improving oneself and working together as a team - something I feel we adopt as a class!
The 3 Most Important Things to Know About Me!
1. I LOVE Harry Styles and I can't count on both hands how many times I have seen him (oops!). I have three important rules in class for when it is okay to talk over me, ask your child about them!
2. I enjoy seeing musicals and have even made an appearance in a couple! Some of my favourite musicals include Hamilton, In the Heights, Shrek the Musical and Legally Blonde. In my 'free' time, I work as a theatre technician, making sure shows go smoothly - my most recent role included operating the bus in Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
3. Disney is my happy place. I met Mickey and friends for the first time last year (2022) and I am planning on returning next Christmas!