Buttercup Walk

Hello, I’m Mrs Edmonds and I am so excited to be Buttercup Walk's class teacher this year. We are going to have so much fun learning lots of new and exciting things!
I really cannot wait to start this journey with you all!
Lets take a closer look at your classroom. Indoors and outdoors!

What will we get up to? Lets take a look!

Reception: Welcome Pack
Important Notices
PE - PE sessions are on a Monday. Please ensure that the correct PE kits are brought into school every Monday so that your child can participate in the sessions. PE kits will stay in school until the end of term when the children will bring them home so that they can be washed and returned on the first day back. Earrings must be removed on PE days. Staff are not permitted to remove these for the children. Please ensure all P.E kit is labelled.
Water bottles – Please ensure your child brings to school a named water bottle. If your child runs out of water during the day they will be able to fill it up. Please do not send in juice etc. however flavoured water will be allowed.
Reading books -Sometime during the Autumn term your child will bring home a colour banded book that is matched to their reading ability. Please try to read with your child every day. When you do read with them, kindly make a note of the date and title in their reading records.
Please note that your child’s first few books will be a book with no words.
Reading records and books must be brought to school every day.
Uniforms – We are looking forward to seeing the children in our new uniform. Please see the school website for any details regarding uniform expectations. Please ensure all uniform is labelled.
Change of clothes: Sometimes children will have toilet accidents. Could we ask for a small bag to stay at school with a change of school clothes please.
Contacting Mrs. Edmonds
If you ever need to chat to me, I am always at the classroom door. We can either meet then, or arrange a suitable time.
If you wish to email us our class email address is buttercupwalk@inspiresmat.co.uk
You can always call or speak to our office staff if you wish to contact me.
Buttercup Walk Class Timetable 2024
Bug Club is a finely-levelled reading scheme that is used within our school to support our reading. It ensures that children can be allocated a book that is the right level for them and develops their reading not only for fluency but also for comprehension skills. Along your child’s Bug Club journey they can earn points in their own personalised account.
Above all, reading is the key to our learning and without this skill, children can’t develop or maintain what they have learnt and move on. Reading supports every subject within school. Teachers can track your child’s progress and ensure that they are understanding the books provided.
Bug Club is available for the whole school. Your child’s teacher has allocated specific books for him/her to read at home. Make sure your teacher has given you your username and password. If you have any problems please see your child’s class teacher. Please click on the link below to take you to the bug club website.
Welcome to Bug Club: Starter Letter
Planning & Timetables
Class Newsletters