At Templars Academy we have two classes for our Nursery children. Little Bear is for our youngest children who are between the ages of 2-3 years old and Big Bear for our children who are between the ages of 3-4 years old and who will start in Reception the following academic year.
Nursery is a very important and exciting time for children and parents. We offer the children lots of opportunities to learn and explore through play within our continually changing provision areas (indoors and outdoors). The children will learn through a mixture of adult led and child-initiated learning, both of which are as equally important in a child's development. We will develop children's independence and confidence to choose activities that they wish to do, both in class and in our outside area. We play a variety of games requiring turn-taking, being fair and waiting turns which help us to learn to share and play fairly with others.
Within the Nursery years we have a huge focus on developing a child's speech and language. We have daily communication and language and listening and attention activities and whole class carpet sessions. We provide a language rich environment through having key weekly vocabulary, developing questioning, encouraging and modelling correct speech and talking in sentences.
In addition to the above Big Bear Class have daily Math's and phonic inputs to develop their early reading and Math's skills to prepare them for starting reception.
Please see the pages below for more information.