Little Bears and Big Bears
Welcome to Little Bear (2-3 year olds) and Big Bear (3-4 year olds) Nursery Classes -
Where we love to learn through play!
On this web page we will be putting lots of information about all the exciting things we will be doing in our class throughout the year.
Nursery is a very important and exciting time for children and parents. We offer the children lots of opportunities to learn and explore through play within our continually changing provision areas (indoors and outdoors). The children will learn through a mixture of adult led and child initiated learning, both of which are as equally important in a child's development. We will develop children's independence and confidence to choose activities that they wish to do, both in class and in our outside area. We play a variety of games requiring turn-taking, being fair and waiting turns which help us to learn to share and play fairly with others.
Within the nursery years we have a huge focus on developing a child's speech and language. We have daily communication and language and listening and attention activities and whole class carpet sessions. We provide a language rich environment through having key weekly vocabulary, developing questioning, encouraging and modelling correct speech and talking in sentences.
In addition to the above Big Bear Class have daily maths and phonic inputs to develop their early reading and maths skills to prepare them for starting reception.
Our session times are:
AM Session: 8.30 – 11.30
All Day: 8.30 – 2.30 (3pm if additional fees paid)
PM Session: 12.00-3.00
If your child does an AM or PM session each day they will need:
- Water bottle filled with water or flavored still water
- Healthy snack e.g. crackers, cheese, cereal bar, fruit etc. (please send in a named pot that we can send home or within named tin foil/food wrap that can be disposed of
- Spare clothes (knickers, pants, socks, shoes, leggings, trousers, top etc.) This does not need to be uniform (all named please) these can stay on your child’s peg in a named bag or come and go each day
- If your child is in nappies please send nappies, nappy sacks and wet wipes (no pull ups please)
If your child does ALL DAY they will need:
- Water bottle filled with water or flavored still water
- Mid-morning AND Mid-afternoon healthy snack e.g. crackers, cheese, cereal bar, fruit, rich tea biscuit etc. (please send in a named pot that we can send home or within named tin foil/food wrap that can be disposed of)
- Spare clothes (knickers, pants, socks, shoes, leggings, trousers, top etc.) This does not need to be uniform (all named please) these can stay on your child’s peg in a named bag or come and go each day
- If your child is in nappies please send nappies, nappy sacks and wet wipes (no pull ups please)
- Send in a pack lunch (no nut products please) this can include a carton/bottle of juice or pre-order a school dinner (please see the office for support if needed)
How to contact us...
Please contact us by emailing the following address.
Emails will be checked daily (Monday to Friday - except for school holidays)
Little Bears - Mrs Pinder
Big Bears - Miss Pegram, Miss Weston (maternity leave) and Mrs Frances
However if you have a more urgent message please phone the school office on
01376 513477 (option 2)
Staff in Nursery
Little Bear Class
Mrs Pinder:
- I have four cats. They are called Smokey, Gizmo, Tinks and BB.
- I like being outside in the sunshine.
- My favourite colours are purple and pink.
Miss Lee:
- My favourite colour is pink.
- I have two children.
- I like going to the seaside.
Miss Crowe:
- I have a tortoise called squashums.
- I have two cats called Arlo and Benji.
- I like to read.
Big Bear Class
Miss Pegram (Monday and Tuesday)
- My favourite flower is a daffodil.
- I love summer time.
- I like to spend time with my friends and family.
Miss Weston (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday): (CURRENTLY ON MATERNITY LEAVE)
- I have a dog called Dolly.
- My favourite season is summer.
- My favourite colour is pink.
Mrs Frances (Miss Weston's maternity cover)
- I love all things nature and being outdoors.
- I enjoy walking my dogs. I have a labrador and a sausage dog.
- I love rainbows - they make me so happy!
Mrs Thorogood:
- I love reading.
- My favourite colour is pink.
- I love sunshine.
Mrs Osei Owusu:
- I love cooking.
- I enjoy watching films.
- My favourite colour is purple.
Important Class Information
- Please send your child in everyday with their water bottle. WATER ONLY - Flavoured still water is ok.
- Please send your child's book bag and book in on their reading day.
- Please name ALL items of clothing e.g. shoes, coats, hats etc.
- Please send a named bag of spare clothes (knickers, pants, socks, shoes, leggings, t-shirt etc.) for your child's peg as we do love to play with water and explore sensory messy play (this does not need to be uniform)
- Children need to be provided with a healthy morning and/or afternoon snack e.g. crackers, cheese, cereal bar, fruit etc.
- Please provide nappies (no pull ups), wipes and nappy sacks.
- If your child stays all day they will need a packed lunch (no nut products) this can include a carton/bottle of juice or pre-order a school dinner (please see the office for support if needed regarding the online systems)