At Templars we are incredibly lucky to have not one but TWO libraries, one in each building which are well stocked with a wide range of books to encourage children to read.
The love of reading is important to us at Templars. We hold regular reading based events to encourage and support children's love of reading.
Events this year have been:
- Bonfire Reading Evening
- World Book Day
- Get Witham Reading
Halloween Reading Evening
World Book Day
- In class we use a variety of reading books to support their whole class guided reading and sustained silent reading.
- For the children to home to read they have access to a range of different reading schemes which includes: Phonics Bug, Oxford Reading Tree, Rigby Star and Big Cat. This gives the children a wide choice and range of readers as well as having access to ebooks.
- Children have access to Accelerated reader which they use to complete quizzes on books they have read.
- Children have access to Purple Mash and Serial Mash to read online books at home.
Accelerated Reader
Your child will be participating in the Accelerated Reader™ (AR™) program. The guide below is designed to answer your questions about AR. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher or visit the Accelerated Reader website at www. renlearn.co.uk.