SEN policy and information report
At Templars Academy we work collaboratively as an Inclusion Team to support all pupils.
The Inclusion Team consists of:
Headteacher: Miss V Gooding
SENDCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator): Mrs S Reardon
Behaviour Lead: Miss M Lill
Family Liaison Designated Member of staff: Mrs F Welsher.
If you would like to make an appointment with any of the Inclusion Team, please contact the office on 01376 513477.
Our Approach to Teaching Pupils with Special Educational Needs:
Our aim is to provide all our pupils with an excellent academic education together with the necessary life and social skills to ensure that when they leave Templars they can confidently look forward to enjoying the next chapter in their lives. Throughout their time with us, we focus strongly on a curriculum which helps pupils to gain the skills they are likely to need, to have choices at the next stage of their education in their future.
To achieve our aim, we want all our pupils to feel happy, comfortable and secure in the school and for them and their parents to have absolute trust and belief in our teaching staff, all of whom are dedicated and committed to helping pupils realise their full potential. At the heart of our mission is the drive to provide excellent teaching at all levels and to deliver learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom that are at all times challenging, motivating and inspiring. Above all, we want out pupils to develop a love for learning that they can carry through life. We cannot always remove the barriers which many of our pupils face in their learning and development, but we can help them to overcome some of these barriers.
At Templars we have fostered an inclusive ethos and our community of staff work together collaboratively to develop and implement our policies and practices. We operate a pupil centred approach to teaching, based on the careful assessment of individual pupil's strengths and needs. This is kept under constant review and amended as required. Central to our approach to teaching is our aim to provide a culture in the school and a learning environment in which all pupils achieve their confidence to develop to the maximum of their ability in all areas.
Templars Academy will provide for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) using teachers employed by the school and, where appropriate, assistance from outside professionals. As a school we do not refuse a child’s admission on the basis of his or her special educational need, ethnicity or language need. In line with the Equalities Act 2010, we will not discriminate against children with a disability, and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective educational provision.
Students with SEND are allocated places in two separate and distinct ways:
Those pupils with EHCPs have a separate admissions procedure overseen by Essex’s SEND team.
Those pupils who have SEND but do not have a statement or EHCP are admitted via the normal school admissions criteria. Detailed information and guidance of how to apply for a place at Templars Academy can be found here:
Any special needs that are identified on admission are discussed with parents allowing the school to provide support and put into place support mechanisms to cater for the child’s Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any support your child may need at Templars, we will endeavour to meet the needs of your child.
Helpful Documents
Below are links to helpful webpages or document downloads which will support parents of children with additional needs.
If you are a parent and know of any local support groups, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will add them to our page.