At Templars Academy we have adopted the Saffron Academy Trust (SAT) scheme of work which has been endorsed by Essex LA. This is a comprehensive and complete scheme of work which follows the Essex SACRE syllabus.
If you have questions regarding the teaching of RE and the right to withdraw your child from all or part of RE, please contact the school office at admintem@inspiresmat.co.uk to speak with the Headteacher.
Our curriculum is an enquiry-led, multi-faith syllabus which is explored through three distinct lenses:
RE VISION: RE is an important part of life; it promotes mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society. At Templars Academy we offer a safe environment that supports mutual respect and understanding and that celebrates and acknowledges differences. Learning about RE promotes British Values such as mutual respect and tolerance for those with different beliefs. Our aim is to enable children to make a significant contribution to their personal development and to their capacity to think and discuss in depth.
- Develop knowledge and understanding of religions and beliefs – in the main Christian but also taking into account other principal religions represented in Great Britain
- Promote mutual respect and tolerance in a diverse society
- Ensure religion is accessible and meaningful by linking the learning to children’s own experiences.
- Develop spiritual development- children to be reflective of their own beliefs, show an interest and respect of different people’s faiths, values, feelings and beliefs
- Develop understanding of diversity, promote shared values
- EYFS – knowing who they are, where they belong, things that are important in their life, recognising what things are important to others, developing respect for others, their culture and their religion
- Promote an ethos of respect for others and build an understanding of other cultures and beliefs
- Promote British Values- mutual respect and tolerance for those with different beliefs
- Celebrate key festivals
- RE related visits and visitors to enable children to encounter different religions at first hand
- Provoke challenging questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong, what it means to be human
- Offer a safe environment that supports mutual respect and understanding and that celebrates and acknowledges difference.
- Makes a significant contribution to children’s personal development and on their capacity to think and discuss in depth.
- Strong relationships are built on a foundation of respect and co-operation
- Children will be able to express their own views clearly and also listen and respect other children’s views
Children will have a sense of belonging in an inclusive and caring school.