London Bridge

London Bridge
Meet the teacher... Miss King
Hi everyone my name is Miss King and I am over the moon to be teaching in Year 3 this year! Why London Bridge I hear you ask... Well this links back to where I grew up in (North London) and always having family days out in London! So, it seemed like the perfect name for my new class!
A little about me! I grew up in North London (Tottenham) right near Tottenham Hotspurs football ground! My family are for the Caribbean, Jamaica to be exact and I have a lot of family over there too! I am your typical girly girl I love doing hair and make up as well as having my chill days reading and watching movies! One of my favourite things to do is try new foods and that is what I spend most of my holidays doing! I can't wait to get to know you all as the year goes on!
We have some fun and exciting themes to help make our learning as enjoyable as possible! As well as trying to fit in fun and purposeful trips to look forward to. This year we have Mrs Robins helping us in our school journey, so here is a little bit about her!
Mrs Robins " I am so excited to be given the chance of transitioning to Year 3, having worked in Year 2 last year! We can carry on our joy of reading and expanding our minds with lots of facts. Three facts about me... I love travelling and have family in Canada whom I often visit, I have a 1975 camper van called picnic's which I visit a lot of places in and I enjoy exploring London".
In the Autumn term, we will be looking at Place value within 1,000. This unit builds on children’s work in Year 2 on 2-digit numbers. This unit is essential for the work that they will be doing in Maths for the rest of this year. We will also be looking at the four key operations, fractions, measure, shape and time.
Children begin with learning how to count in 100s. They will learn that a 3-digit number is made up of 100s, 10s, and 1s. They will be able to represent this in many ways (for example, on a place value grid with counters or in a part-whole model). They will compare and order 3-digit numbers as well as count in 50s. It is important children must gain a solid understanding of the key concepts within this unit. In the next unit, children move on to adding, subtracting 3-digit numbers with exchanging.
In the Autumn term, our key theme will focus on the film ‘Elemental’, which came out this year (2023). As I am sure many of you have already seen it, I loved it! If not don't worry we will have lots of different opportunities to watch snippets that will link to our learning!
Within our key theme, we will be looking at and strengthening, deepening and understanding a range of skills:
-Capital letters and full stops
-Use the forms ‘a’ or ‘an’ according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or a vowel
-Expanded noun phrases to add description and detail
-Focus on setting and character description
-Proofreading our work for spelling and punctuation
-Consolidate knowledge of word classes: noun, adjective, verb and adverb
-Use of progressive verbs e.g. She is sprinting.
Things to remember...
Sports sessions will be every Tuesday. PE kits will be sent home at the end of each half term or at your request, but please ensure that the correct PE kits are brought into school in time for these sessions. Earrings must be removed on PE days before children arrive at school. Staff are not allowed to remove these for the children. Without the correct PE kit, children will not be able to participate.
Water Bottles
Children should bring their school water bottles every day. Only water inside a bottle purchased from the school office is permitted.
Reading books
Every week children will bring home a colour banded book that is matched to their STAR reading level as well as a reading for pleasure book from the school library. Please try to read with your child every day. When you do read with your child, could you please make a note of the date and the title in their reading records. Children are also able to record this themselves, but this will then need to be signed off by an adult. Reading records and books must be brought into school every day.
On a Friday, the children will receive either an English or Maths piece of homework to complete at home with your support if needed. Homework should be returned to school the following Thursday.
At Templars, we take pride in our uniform, and we expect the children to maintain the high standard they have shown so far. Please ensure all uniforms are labelled with the child’s name, as alternative uniforms cannot be provided should theirs go missing.