SATs Results
Use the DFE website link below to compare how Templars Academy is performing against other local schools.
SATs data KS2 2022
KS1 SATs data 2022
SATs and Data 2022- 2023
SATs Data 2023-24
Scores 2023-24
No published data for 20-21.
Phonics screening for year 2 pupils in the Autumn term 2021, was 87%
No published data for 19-20
2018-19 SATs results
2018 SATS results in PDF format
- percentage of pupils who’ve achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and Maths;
Reading: 80% Writing: 78% Maths: 82%
- percentage of pupils who’ve achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and Maths'
Reading: 14% Writing: 26% Maths: 18%
- average scaled score in the reading test
102.4 average
- average scaled score in the Maths test: 103.8
- Reading and Maths average scaled score: 103.1